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These terms and conditions govern your use of the Grove lane online store. By placing an order, you agree to and are bound by these terms. If you are unwilling to comply with these terms, then you may not use Grove Lane online store.

We must receive payment in full before your order can be accepted. Once payment has been received by us we will confirm that your order has been accepted by sending an email to you at the email address you provide in your order form. Items will then be dispatched. For more information regarding delivery dates and times please refer to the shipping section below.

Once an online order has been placed you are unable to cancel or alter the order.

Content Accuracy
We take every care to ensure that the description and specification of our products are correct at the time of publication. However, while the colour reproduction of the product/s is a close representation, we cannot accept any responsibility for any variation in colour caused by the browser software or computer system used by you.


Privacy and Security

We are committed to protecting our customer’s privacy.
Grove lane will never distribute any personal information to third parties under any circumstance, including those who subscribe to our mailing list. The information we collect is used solely to process your order and stay in touch with you.
Joining the Grove lane mailing list is optional, although recommended. It will allow us to keep you up to date with the latest info including what’s new in store. If you have signed up to our mailing list and would like to unsubscribe simply email us with unsubscribe in the subject area, and you will be removed immediately.


Pricing and payment 

Cash/payWave/internet banking/ direct deposit on application
All prices on the Grove-lane online store are given in Australian dollars exclusive of delivery costs. We accept payment direct deposit only from Australian/ NZ Customers other payments through the our website.
Payments (all major credit cards).Please note grove-lane online store has no control over any customs or import duties that could be levied when the package reaches you destination country and for which you will be liable. 

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